* The newest version can be found at http://www.ashberg.de/php-barcode * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ function barcode_gen_ean_sum($ean){ $even=true; $esum=0; $osum=0; for ($i=strlen($ean)-1;$i>=0;$i--){ if ($even) $esum+=$ean[$i]; else $osum+=$ean[$i]; $even=!$even; } return (10-((3*$esum+$osum)%10))%10; } /* barcode_encode_ean(code [, encoding]) * encodes $ean with EAN-13 using builtin functions * * return: * array[encoding] : the encoding which has been used (EAN-13) * array[bars] : the bars * array[text] : text-positioning info */ function barcode_encode_ean($ean, $encoding = "EAN-13"){ $digits=array(3211,2221,2122,1411,1132,1231,1114,1312,1213,3112); $mirror=array("000000","001011","001101","001110","010011","011001","011100","010101","010110","011010"); $guards=array("9a1a","1a1a1","a1a"); $ean=trim($ean); if (preg_match("#[^0-9]#i",$ean)){ return array("text"=>"Invalid EAN-Code"); } $encoding=strtoupper($encoding); if ($encoding=="ISBN"){ if (!preg_match("#^978#", $ean)) $ean="978".$ean; } if (preg_match("#^978#", $ean)) $encoding="ISBN"; if (strlen($ean)<12 || strlen($ean)>13){ return array("text"=>"Invalid $encoding Code (must have 12/13 numbers)"); } $ean=substr($ean,0,12); $eansum=barcode_gen_ean_sum($ean); $ean.=$eansum; $line=$guards[0]; for ($i=1;$i<13;$i++){ $str=$digits[$ean[$i]]; if ($i<7 && $mirror[$ean[0]][$i-1]==1) $line.=strrev($str); else $line.=$str; if ($i==6) $line.=$guards[1]; } $line.=$guards[2]; /* create text */ $pos=0; $text=""; for ($a=0;$a<13;$a++){ if ($a>0) $text.=" "; $text.="$pos:12:{$ean[$a]}"; if ($a==0) $pos+=12; else if ($a==6) $pos+=12; else $pos+=7; } return array( "encoding" => $encoding, "bars" => $line, "text" => $text ); } ?>